maandag 28 juli 2008
what the hell?
"Borsten zijn een secundair seksueel signaal.Er is een theorie die zegt dat borsten een surrogaat zijn voor billen.Op het moment dat we vrouwen zijn gaan omdraaien om ze op hun rug te leggen om met ze te vrijen, zouden borsten aantrekkelijk zijn geworden voor mannen"
(hoe komen ze daar toch op? dat is lijk de absurdste theorie die ik ooit heb gehoord op het creationisme na O_o)
Biologische verklaring voor de aantrekkelijkheid van een smalle taille
"De smalle taille stamt nog van voor de tijd van de missionarishouding bij het voortplanten. Als je een vrouw op handen en knieën zette en je zette je als man achter haar, gaf een smalle taille boven brede heupen een goede houvast. Dan kon je goed stoten zonder er 'uit te schieten en had je een verhoogde kans op bevruchting"
-uit:Het laatste nieuws-
ja amai nie
Old drawings become new
I like them both
and something from life drawing class
stock used from:
vrijdag 25 juli 2008
I have studied Biochemics for 2 years
I ve decided that I have had enough
I stop
It s time for something else and new
woensdag 23 juli 2008
Mommy, can I go out and kill tonight?
but at this moment I m not allowed to have fun and go outside
that would mean I give up
so I stay home
I love Adrien Brody' s nose
some other paintings
I might look like a hyper-productive one
but don’t get fooled
this is only an illusion
it s all stuff I made in the far past
but now I finally found the time to scan everything properly
hope you like
(btw the first painting is based on the amazing photography from
maandag 21 juli 2008
Sneaky sis
and they are staying at our house
thing is they have to sleep sometime eventually
and my parents decided that that action will happen in my sister s room or in mines
luckily my room is the messiest room in human history
But my friends convinced me after a few years that it couldn’t be that worse
And they had seen very messy rooms before
But ow, how they were wrong
Once I opened my doorroom
They always say the same
“I didn’t know you were serious”
well now its supaah worse
cuz I m having exams
and as a bonus
I m moving from my student room in Ghent to a new one
and I moved all my stuff temporary into my room here in my hometown
so that makes that that room is filled with 2 times tthe load of stuff it normaly has, that’s a humongous lot
but the stupid thing is that my sister is a natural born cleaner
she can do it so quick and so good
and she loves it
can you believe that?
my parents said they didn’t care in who s room my grandparents would sleep
it just has to be clean
so my sister is cleaning my room like a possessed one (shes moving all my stuff in her room)
like a hamster collecting his food in his cave
she does that with my mess
in order to make time to tell you all this (and watch friends on tv)
I threw all my clothes over the mess that is already in my room
that will teach her
And trow some more clothes on the ground
Cuz she d be ready by now with the previous clothes
Yes yes yes
And o my titty God
My room is as good as cleaned
That is
And I can t find my camera
So I ll upload the pictures later
(yes I always have spare pictures of my messy room on my camera)
I tell you, my sister is a natural born talent
But I didn’t know she was this good
Her talent grows every day
One day she will take over the world
And no mess will ever see daylight again
Now back to my sketchbook
Some other sketches
Hope you like
So,I ve just been back from vacation (Portugal if you re interested) and amazingly I ve almost drawn every day (well at least the last 4 days or some)
Since I ve done an art entrée-exam, I ve discovered that I don t draw that badly (Info and pictures will come, I promise)
And I ve overcome my fear to draw in public
I never dared to do that
1) I m afraid that people would notice me and pay me attention
2) I don’t like being noticed
3) I m scared people will tell me I suck
But I think I ve kind of lost interest in what other people think of me
That only took me like 20 years
Well anyhow here are a few
They are all drawn with blue ball point on plain paper of me sketchbook
And added some textures with photoshop (obviously)
I hope you like
zondag 20 juli 2008
I ve made this account a while ago, but I haven’t used it yet
Reason: I have completely no idea what I was going to do with it
I still don't really have an idea, but I guess I have to start doing something and then we will see
I first thought I should post all my inner struggles here
But that would be way too boring and long
So I think I ll post short anecdotes and sketches
I should be studying for my exams
But in stead I have done almost nothing
You would understand it if you had to study something you ve already studied it 3 times before but still didn't pas.
So today I have:
-opened my book (that was a very good start)
-cut my sister her hair
-read the first chapter (that would be good too if only the first chapter didn't exist out of 5 pages only)
-searched on the internet for the perfect Betsey Johnson dress I know I cant afford it
-took a warm footbath and tried to scrub all the hard skin of my feet (it took so long I felt dizzy in my head and I had a huge back pain)
-ate cake
-wrote this while watching CSI Miami (I think his brother did it)
So, basically everything is better than studying.
Who knows what I ll do later this evening
Maybe I ll even write a second blog today
Who knows...