donderdag 18 november 2010

My R e e l

Finished my reel.. for now.Will be completed later with compositing and tracking work.
Song is by Explosions In The Sky - The Birth and Death of the Day

Cara To Reel from Cara To on Vimeo.

woensdag 10 november 2010


I hate my internet it' s so slow..
I have been working on a gazillion projects at the same time.
This one is a hack and slash game I'm working on together with 7 other beautiful people :).
Here are some Concept Art, environment art and a 3D model made and textured by yours truly.(there are still more to come)

maandag 8 november 2010


Loads and loads of unseen work of Lucy.
To show you how she could have looked like,wireframe and the hommade rig I made for her.
Please do note the heart shaped fingernails I modeled for her <3

dinsdag 2 november 2010

One for all and all for one

Self Portrait day at!
And just a painting mixed media.

maandag 1 november 2010 is aliive!

Finally after a lot of research on how to make a site and actually making the site.
I present you:!!
I still have tons of work waiting to be uploaded, so stay tuned.
And in the meanwhile any comments to make my site better is welcome!